Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have a lot of updating to do, but last night I was helping Henry practice his vocabulary words. I explained to him what a motto was, and then he looked at me and said, "Your motto would be 'I will work for truth.'"

I laughed and asked him why. He said, "Because you're always working."

It reminded me of a prayer he said a while ago, where he decided to be very specific in his gratitude. He said, "Thank you for a little brother who is funny, a little sister who is fun to play with, a dad who is my best friend, and a mom who is workful."

It's a little sad when that's your defining characteristic.


amberella said...

I actually think that is awesome. There is no way my children would ever pick that word to describe me. Maybe "loud" or "sleepy" or "hungry" but never "workful." Good for you!

And congats again.

Brittani said...

Workful, that sounds like it feels about right! At least it is not one of those things where your kid tells the teacher you don't really do anything...Though I understand, I want to be fun sometimes too!

Christie said...

That's sweet. You are a hard worker, and very talented, too!

Britney said...

I think being a hardworker is a great characteristic. At least he didn't say something like you're "yellful" or "meanful" or "no-fun-at-all-ful." :)
He's a great kid!

Shapiro said...

I agree with all the comments... You are beauti-ful, help-ful, thank-ful, happy-ful, fun-ful, awesome-ful, crafty-ful, and work-ful! I want to be more-ful like you!
I think that is very sweet of him to say... very true, and very inspiring!

Kam Belly Soup said...

im laughing so hard at brittany's comment. by the way, you do really good work.