Monday, April 28, 2008

fun on the farm

In honor of Henry's 2-day spring break, Brandon took the day off and we went to the Wheeler family farm. The kids loved it, and I learned to bring an extra change of clothes for Will when we do anything that messy. He tried to throw food to the ducks and got up as close to the fence as he could. But, there was a drop-off before the fence (thanks Wheeler family farm), and he ended up about a foot deep in water. We decided to feed the chickens the duck food instead, as they were much more appreciative. Elsa, the little naturalist, cried when we said it was time to go. She could have stayed there all day.

Will loved feeding the horse hay.

Elsa and Will in the tree house.

Elsa and Henry got to milk a cow. It was the highlight of their trip by far, even though the cow relieved itself while they were waiting in line, so there was quite a stench in the crowded barn.
Henry looks so cute until we decide to take his picture, and then he makes this face.

Monday, April 21, 2008

chapter books and buckles

This last weekend Henry discovered a love of chapter books. He has been reading simple chapter books for a while now, but he hasn't really gotten into them. But, on Saturday night we took him to the Orem library and asked the librarian for suggestions. He came back with 3 new books, and he had finished the first one by 10:00 Sunday morning. He kept saying, "This is such a good book." (It was the first Secrets of Droon book, if you're wondering.) Sunday he also finished "Stink," and today he started on the first Moondoggle and Me book and is almost done with that. It's fun to see him completely immersed in books.

Will has discovered a love of buckling seatbelts. I thought it was cute at first, but it has become a source of much frustration to us both. Every time I try to put him in the car, he just wants to stand next to his carseat and do the buckles. It takes all my force to wrestle him into his seat. He is amazingly strong. Once he can see the buckles in front of him, he calms down momentarily. He can get the chest buckle, but he still can't quite do the bottom buckle, and he screams for the first minute of every car ride because I do it for him. We have the same struggle over the booster seat at the dinner table, but it's a little simpler because he can buckle himself in that one. I remember dealing with this with Elsa, but I think she was 2 1/2, not 1 1/2. Oh well. He has to get over it sometime.

Henry successfully taught Will how to sing "neener neener neener" at the park today. Elsa has been super sweet with Will today, sharing cookies with him and cheering him down the slide. She read her own "chapter book" tonight before bed by sticking 2 of her Bob books together.

Just so I don't forget some funny things that they said in the last few months, here are some recent gems:

Brandon had made the kids lunch. Elsa sat down to a peanut butter sandwich placed directly on the table and lukewarm tap water and said, "Ahhh, the freshness of lunch."

Brandon was reading scriptures with Henry and it talked about being diligent. Henry asked what it meant, and after Brandon explained it, Henry said, "I'm diligent at playing video games."

Sunday, April 20, 2008

halloween pictures



hal 9000.

3 robots and a cousin named Sadie.


Here's some pictures from the last few months.