Thursday, May 21, 2009

making people happy

This is long overdue, but in April when the flowers started blooming Elsa told me, "From now on, I'm going to pick flowers for people to make them happy." True to her commitment, I don't think a day has gone by that Elsa hasn't picked me some "flowers." She also enjoys leaving them on Ruth's doorstep next door. Over Easter, Brandon took the kids hiking up Rock Canyon with their cousins. They climbed up to a cave and discovered that someone was living there. The cave-dweller had stepped out for the moment, thankfully. But, Elsa decided that she needed to leave the flowers she had picked for whoever lived there.

This week, Elsa decided she wanted to give me a surprise party. She spent an afternoon taping streamers to the walls and hauling balloons into the living room. Then she decided she needed to make me a cake. So I let her do most of the work to make an angel food cake. While I was at meetings tonight, Henry and Elsa made some blue whipped cream to put on the the cake with the strawberries. And Elsa made me go out of the living room and not come back until she counted one, two, three. The kids all yelled surprise and then Elsa gave me numerous hugs and kisses because, "Lots and lots of love is your present. And, the biggest hug and kiss ever." She really does make me very very happy.


Brittani said...

what a sweet girl!

Britney said...

That is really so sweet.

p.s. scary -- a cave dweller.

Shapiro said...

Elsa is such a sweetie!

Christie said...

Talk about heaven sent! So sweet.

She made my day when she handed me a bunch of little, purple flowers (from the weeds in my yard, ha, ha!)